
Showing posts from October, 2017

LO2: Social media, globalisation and moral panics

What is a moral panic? A moral panic is when the mass media stires something up about something that may have an impact on society- the folk devil this was theorised by Stanley Cohen (1972) How could you link this to use of new technologies and society? Social media leeds to grooming, spreading unwanted images/ revenge porn. Use of socia media links to bullying online. Self harm has gone up 3 times as much as it was 5 years ago due to social media glamouring self harm/anarexia on sites such a 'proana'  What media texts and technologies have caused a moral panic? - Facebook pushing a certain ideology - GTA/ COD influences people to do what they do on the game - Snapchat  - Films, a clockwork orange etc  - Twitter - Southpark This article is talking about what a moral panic is Stanley Cohen’s 1972 book, Folk Devils and Moral Panics . But then Cohen pointed t


Define: Crowdsourcing- Find personnel and equipment to work in a project with you Crowdfunding- Getting funding from the mass public via online tools 

Assessed Task- Homework

The television show I am picking for this task is the Netflix series Stranger Things 2, this has been a big deal for over a year now since the ending of season 1 which left many viewers excited for the next series. According to Symphony Advanced Media within its first 35 days on the streaming service, Stranger Things averaged 14.07 million adults 18-49 which ranked ahead of a lot of Netflix originals

Two screen viewing/ Social TV

Alka Marwaha (2009) said watching tv is being intergrated with social media for example this allows people to chat regardless of the geographical location. Someone may be watching in London but still chatting about it with someone in Sheffield BBC News - The phenomenon of two screen viewing Sony has Movie IQ- It knows which bit of the film you are watching when connected to your internet Zeebox lets British viewers have extra content for other 50 channels, you get to watch a show with someone else TV show in the Netherlands where the audience become players at the confort of their own home

Promotion of Fenty Beauty using social media


Social media channels (mindmap)


Article 1: The long tail/ death

This article is telling us that there is no death of a hit, it will come back due to soical media for example after David Bowie died more people began to listen to his music Major record labels say, release a large amount of things that sell in small quantities, as it only takes a few sales of each item to make it worth the effort. It shouldnt be up to the industry to decide whether the music should be relased or not Internet artists can be ignored by record labels however still have a major sucess through socia media as it is being promoted on there However on another article people believe the long tail is outdated because all artists use social media to promote songs. Because of large media music companies controlling social media accounts there hierarchy of who m

LO1: Understand how online and social media products are used

The long tail theory: Chris Anderson · Hit albums are declining faster than niche artists · Older music is becoming more popular owing to online technologies · Over a period of time niche artists collectively can make just as much money as hit makers In an nutshell niche artists over a period time will make the same amount of money as the hit makers like Justin Beiber, Beyonce etc because of technology like social media and YouTube The re relase of IT has made the older one more famous now due to social media as more people buy it to compare the new one to the old one- this is an example of the long tail theory Music artists for example DJ Khalid and Rihanna used Santanos song 'Maria Maria' and used it for their new one Wild Thoughts, from doing this Santano made more money as people found this out due to social media so gave it a listen

Starter- Glossary

Web 2.0- Web 2.0 is the current state of online technology, so when it became interactive this was around 2003 (mid 00s) Facebook arrived in 2007, Youtube arrived in 2005 Wikinomics- Business model of the way in which the internet has changed economics- buying, marketing, selling products Prosumer- An audience member who makes their own media who distribute (produces and consumes) An example of this is Justin Beiber, Lorde UGC- User generated content- or example Youtube, ordinary people put their opinion up Social media created the explosion of advertisments Convergence culture-  Part of our culture is about engaging with technological convergence, one of these is social media, VoD. Henry Jenkins (2006) wrote a book about it Participatory culture- Ordiniary individuals take part in the things that they consume Social TV- Audience members contribute their thoughts to others and the producers from watching a TV program. Producers make apps fo


Starter Task: Personal use of social media -           To communicate with a smaller audience for example things happening in their social life -           Political views- you share your views on social media -           You share quizzes Professional use of social media -           Advertising products for example new marvel film trailer -           Don’t put inflammatory words about politics -           You only share news about your company Structure of the exam: There are 2 sections the first half is theoretical and the second half is practical Covering… 1.        Understand how online and social media products are used 2.        Understand the impact of social media and globalisation on media audiences and producers 3.        Understand how global industries use social media 4.        Know how to plan and manage a social media campaign