LO1: Understand how online and social media products are used
The long
tail theory: Chris Anderson
· Hit albums are declining faster
than niche artists
· Older music is becoming more
popular owing to online technologies
· Over a period of time niche
artists collectively can make just as much money as hit makers
In an
nutshell niche artists over a period time will make the same amount of money as
the hit makers like Justin Beiber, Beyonce etc because of technology like social
media and YouTube
The re
relase of IT has made the older one more famous now due to social media as more
people buy it to compare the new one to the old one- this is an example of the
long tail theory
artists for example DJ Khalid and Rihanna used Santanos song 'Maria Maria' and
used it for their new one Wild Thoughts, from doing this Santano made more
money as people found this out due to social media so gave it a listen
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