LO2: Social media, globalisation and moral panics

What is a moral panic?
A moral panic is when the mass media stires something up about something that may have an impact on society- the folk devil this was theorised by Stanley Cohen (1972)

How could you link this to use of new technologies and society?
Social media leeds to grooming, spreading unwanted images/ revenge porn. Use of socia media links to bullying online.

Self harm has gone up 3 times as much as it was 5 years ago due to social media glamouring self harm/anarexia on sites such a 'proana' 

What media texts and technologies have caused a moral panic?

- Facebook pushing a certain ideology
- GTA/ COD influences people to do what they do on the game
- Snapchat 
- Films, a clockwork orange etc 
- Twitter
- Southpark


  • This article is talking about what a moral panic is
  • Stanley Cohen’s 1972 book, Folk Devils and Moral Panics.
  • But then Cohen pointed this out too – the fact that ‘societal reaction may in fact increase rather than decrease or keep in check the amount of deviance’.
  • Females are targeted alot more than males
  • Alot of problems are media sensalisation
I am on the fence with the moral panics of social media as this is where most panics come from, from random strangers etc and theres articles on copycats of Tv shows for example South Park 
