Starter- Glossary

Web 2.0- Web 2.0 is the current state of online technology, so when it became interactive this was around 2003 (mid 00s) Facebook arrived in 2007, Youtube arrived in 2005

Wikinomics- Business model of the way in which the internet has changed economics- buying, marketing, selling products

Prosumer- An audience member who makes their own media who distribute (produces and consumes) An example of this is Justin Beiber, Lorde

UGC- User generated content- or example Youtube, ordinary people put their opinion up

Social media created the explosion of advertisments

Convergence culture-  Part of our culture is about engaging with technological convergence, one of these is social media, VoD. Henry Jenkins (2006) wrote a book about it

Participatory culture- Ordiniary individuals take part in the things that they consume

Social TV- Audience members contribute their thoughts to others and the producers from watching a TV program. Producers make apps for more marketing

Watercooling Program- A program people still watch a prime time for example Strictly

Second screening- Audiences have more than one screen infront of them while watching a program
